I officially am the Microwave Mama! Like James says, "You just cook up babies faster than most people." As of yesterday's ultrasound our little girl is measuring at 40 weeks and 2 days instead of 35 weeks. They took multiple measurements of her head, stomach and legs and averaged them and declare her to weigh 8lb 7 oz, give or take 1 pound. That's huge for a first! (Especially considering the fact that I still have 5 weeks left.) Think how big she could get by then. My doctor said he would induce me on Oct 20th, if I don't have her on my own by then. So cross your fingers and pray that either she comes early or I have the strength to endure & deliver a 10-12 lb baby!
Hmm I hope your not like your mom with a 10lb baby! Hope all is well I miss ya!
Kathy is still one hot babe, if you ask me.
Kathy! I can't believe it. You don't look huge by any means. For the sake of your body I will pray that you go early or that the utrasound tech was wrong. You look great!
Haha...that is awesome! You look great!! I can't wait to hear your story. You always produce the best one's! Keep me posted k? It is gonna come fast!
I am so excited for her to come!!! How are you feeling?
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