Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How To Tailor A Shirt

I know... I haven't posted since Thanksgiving. It's been crazy. A very fun post all about our Christmas & New Years Vacation is forth coming. However, before I get to that, I promised my brother Phillip that I would teach him how to fit and tailor his dress shirts before I left Arizona. But James, MaryKate, & I all got so sick that we had to get home before I could teach him. So Phillip, this post is especially for you & for anyone else who would like to know how to tailor a shirt. Just watch the video that I made below & call me or comment if you have any questions. I hope it helps you to have loads of nicely fitted shirts in your future. Good luck!

Align Center


julz said...

holy cow kathy, I love you for this!! I am going to try it as soon as I can snatch someone's sewing machine!

Camille Powell said...

Kathy!!! You have just created a whole new world for me!!! When we were in NY I found some fitted shirts for Spencer, but they were way too much moola. This is the perfect solution!!! I have decided that now you should have a sewing blog and teach us all kinds of wonderful things!!! We miss you guys and will hopefully see you next Sunday!

Camille Powell said...

Okay, so I just did this to one of Spencer's shirts. It was super easy, but the armpits were a little tricky. How am I supposed to know where to start/stop? Any pointers?

James & Kathy said...

Great question. I just posted two drawings that hopefully will explain a bit better how much of the underarm to tailor. Let me know if that helps or if you need any more explanation. I'm so glad it actually was useful for you!

Camille Powell said...

Thanks Kathy! Take two will happen tonight. I'll let you know how it goes.

Emma and Dan said...

Ooh! I agree with Camille. You should do a sewing, flower arranging, decorating how-to blog. What do you think? :)
I loved watching the video and learning something new, but unfortunately Dan likes his shirts baggy around the torso. I'll have to ask him if there are any that are too big, so that I can play.