On Friday we found out that our Baby #2 is a girl. She is healthy and long and very active. From the minute the baby was pictured on the ultrasound monitor, MaryKate said over and over, "Hello Baby!" It was very cute. She has no concept of the little baby being a boy or a girl. But we know she will have so much fun with a sister that is less than 2 years younger than her. Plus we are excited to not have to buy any new clothes or gear for Baby #2. The frugal side of me loves that. The girls will share a room, so now the pink can stay. We are open for your opinion on girls names. Let us know if you have any you love or better yet any you despise! One thing is certain: her name will not be Ashley... regardless of our love for Full House & the Olsen twins.
How exciting! Congratulations!
So exciting! Yay!
Yay! Congrats you two!
Congratulations Kathy! Good Luck finding a name, Wayne and I could not agree until after she was born...I won:)
You must be crazy to think that I would let you in on the secrets of my awesome future baby names. :)
Give me a list to chose from and I'll let me opinion be known. I generally love discussing names.
Congrats on having 2 girls in a row! It'll be like you and Becky. Plus it is a great way to save money on clothes and decorating. Cami Cannon is pregnant with a girl right now too.
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