Sunday, May 29, 2011

Salt Lake Vacation

From SLC vaca

So, with gas prices the way they are, we were a little bit limited on what we could do for our little break between semesters. So we decided that we would do some vacationing here in Salt Lake. We often don't spend money doing touristy stuff here in SLC because the activities can be a little bit spendy, but since we weren't driving anywhere we decided we could use some of that money we would have spent on gas driving to AZ of CA and use it on doing stuff here. So we each got to plan a day. Friday we started out taking a tour of the Capitol Building and took some family pictures while we were there.

From SLC vaca

From SLC vaca

From SLC vaca

Then we ate BIG - H hamburgers for lunch (a SLC specialty). Then we decided to discover some of the little boutiques in our neighborhood that we have never been to. We then went to FYE and picked up Three Amigos and brought it home and watched it... a Larson family classic!

Saturday we started off down in Sandy at the Living Planet Aquarium.

MK's loved to see all the fishes and especially the tank that looked like Finding Nemo, with all the bright colored fish. She didn't however completely love touching the sting ray...but she did it once, and that is more than her mom can say. :)

From SLC vaca

From SLC vaca

We then went and explored Gardner Village, a little vintage shopping neighborhood and ate a delicious lunch at Archibald's (we highly recommend it).We then had a treasure hunt at the local Savers, where we each had 3 dollars to find the best thing for each other, we found roller blades (blast from the past for us) and a TMX Ernie that MK just loved. After nap time we went to the highest rated low budget restaurant on YELP, which happened to be a food truck called CHOW.

It was really good (also highly recommend it). We went downtown to a friend's reception in the evening, and then had some friends over for games in the evening. All in all, it was a great little vacation...and the bed in our hotel, was just like home :)


Lindsay said...

So fun and I love the pictures. MK has the best happy smile and I love your family pictures. Hopefully I get to see you soon!! Loves

Emma and Dan said...

You guys always think of fun things to do. I love your pics and I love that cute little girl! Your post made me wish that I lived in SLC to be able to eat some of that food. :) I guess I must be hungry.