Saturday, November 27, 2010

i am thankful for...

This year my family did a little movie making activity for our Thanksgiving reunion. We all had to make a movie that was based on what we were thankful for. We decided to make this little video. It is modeled after the LDS church's "Mormon Messages" (but this is not endorsed by the church in anyway...even though we borrowed the ending from one of their videos). Some of the things are inside jokes that only my family would get, but I thought I would put it on, so you could see what we are thankful for right now in our lives. Hope your Thanksgiving was full of love and gratitude for all of the many blessings in life.


Lindsay said...

Kathy, that almost brought tears to my eyes! I loved that video. It was so special and the spirit was felt. Thanks. You are such a good example to me. I am grateful you are my friend! :)

lindsey james said...

thanks for sharing your video. you'll have to tell me how you made it!

Teeners said...

What a great video! You guys are really good at those! I am glad to see the things that you are thankful for!

MayerFamily said...

So I'm sick of blog-stalking- I just wanted you to know how Happy it makes me to see you so HAPPY! I miss you Kathy and your family is adorable!

Emma and Dan said...

I loved the video. I bet it was fun to get filmed "sleeping" all over the house. :) I miss you and your extended family. We'll be in Utah next Christmas - maybe our vacations will overlap and we'll get to see you again! I love you!

Natalie Braithwaite said...

What a sweet Video! Thank you!