Monday, April 26, 2010

Hope When Hope Is Gone

I taught James' 14-15 yr old Sunday School Class yesterday so that he could have more time during the week to prepare for finals. This was the video that I made to show at the end of the lesson "Look to God & Live" on Moses and the Brass Serpent Staff. My old roommate, MaryAnn and I originally made this as a powerpoint to music, but I made it now conveniently into a video. I hope you enjoy it. The song is called He Is by Hillary Weeks and has the most beautiful message of hope. My hope is that during the week you feel and see the love of the Savior all around you.


Lindsay said...

Love it, Kath! You are such a talented teacher! You never cease to amaze me. Loves!! Oh and we will be in Utah July 10th. I think I told you that John is getting married.

Zach and Sarah said...

That was beautiful! I'm going to show my kids this for FHE. Thanks.

MaryAnn said...

Kathy! I love that video. I was just thinking about it the other day. So many fun memories making that with you. I think I need a copy of it as a video and not a powerpoint. You are amazing!

Carrie Drake said...

I'm so glad you finally made this into a video!!! I've always wanted to use it for lessons and things and Powerpoint wasn't cutting it!! Love you girls for making this!

Carrie Drake said...

p.s. can I have a copy too?